What is Trichology?
Trichology is the scientific study of hair and scalp disorders which is focussed on the anatomy and physiology of this part of your body.
A Trichologist is a specialist in all types of hair loss, hair disorders and scalp problems, and has trained and qualified to recognise the condition affecting the client. A Trichologist understands the different systems of the body and their relationship and effect on the structure of your hair and skin,
This knowledge aids your Trichologist to understand how the influence of disease, diet, lifestyle can impact your hair and scalp.
Your Trichologist can identify conditions affecting your hair and scalp, what the underlying causes may be and how the condition can be improved to restore health to your hair follicles and scalp.
Isn't Trichology a part of hairdressing?
Good question but the answer is No. Trichology and hairdressing are very different, Although a trichologist may have a hairdressing background, if you are working in this industry, constantly looking at the hair and scalp of clients, you expect to see a variety of conditions so who better to trust with the health of your scalp and hair?
As a hairdresser, style, colour, cut and the techniques to achieve the perfect look for your client are the focus. Hairdressing is a health and beauty industry.
As a Trichologist, your interest and focus is of the human body and how conditions and imbalance within the body affect hair and scalp.
The health of your hair can tell so much about your overall health, a Trichologist aims to identify and treat factors that may be the cause one of the many diseases and disorders of the hair and scalp.
Hairdressing and the science of Trichology are complementary. Many clients who come to Trichologists have been referred by their hair stylists as they are often the first to notice that their client is experiencing problems.
Trichologists are not medically qualified, so cannot prescribe any form of prescription medications although routinely advise on health supplements and a suggested course of treatment with the aim to improve the clients condition.
Why visit a Trichologist first rather than going to a G.P or a Dermatologist ?

To a GP many hair thinning/hair loss disorders are considered to be low priority and therefore not seen as a medical issue, which is upsetting news to receive for anyone who is suffering.
A common referral for patients with hair and scalp issues that a GP may offer is to see a Dermatologist. A Dermatologist is trained in conditions affecting the skin but a Trichologist has an understanding of the relationship between the hair and skin in this area of the body where the balance and health of these systems is at its strongest and most visible.
A Trichologist will give you the time and their specialist knowledge to understand and thoroughly investigate your condition.
Any GP referral to a specialist often takes a considerable amount of time before you are seen due to waiting lists of a healthcare system that is already under pressure with the critical care of thousands of patients nationwide.
It is important to be aware that the earlier a diagnosis of any hair loss or thinning issue is made, the better the outcome and prognosis can be, therefore waiting for long periods of time for NHS treatment will not benefit any condition that you may be suffering from.
You don't need a referral from your G.P. to visit a Trichologist. Please be aware that a Trichology consultation is a private service that is not available via the NHS.